How Do You Take the Bing Homepage Quiz?, New Hampton

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La description
The Bing search engine has a function called Bing Homepage Quiz that places a quiz or factual question on the homepage. The quiz, which is displayed as a banner at the top of the page and consists of a question and several possible answers, is designed to be a light-hearted way for users to test their knowledge and pick up new information while using the search engine. It is updated frequently and covers a variety of topics, including history, science, pop culture, and current events.
Follow these instructions to play the Bing Quiz for Points:
1.Launch your web browser and go to the Bing search page.
2.Check the page's header for the quiz banner. A question and multiple choice responses will be displayed.
3.After reading the question, select the response you believe to be accurate.
4.To choose the response, click on it.
5.If you chose the right response, a notice confirming your accuracy in answering the question will show up.
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New York
New Hampton
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