The Millennium Sacrifice, Ondjiva

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"Lestine!"! How dare you! A nobleman who came to congratulate him stood up and pointed at the old man holding the child and shouted angrily, Lestine. Demicrudo glanced at him. Turn your neck in a slight arc.. The nobleman let out a short scream and was beheaded by the sword-wielding warrior, and the rest of the people were horrified. Shout and watch the grinning warrior approach them. Appealing, crying, and cursing, the murderers brandished their weapons and slaughtered. People who want to resist are surprised that they can't exert themselves! Xena held her husband in her arms and probed her body. It was so empty that she could not gather any fighting spirit. The escort should be the same. Several gods were the first to be killed, which seemed to be only a medicine for the warrior, but there was no time to use the spell, and the mage had no power to protect himself. Stop it! Raising her other hand, Xena drank. Holding tight to the trembling Emperor, the evil poison in her husband's body was hurting him. What do you want, Lestine? The old man named Lestine gave an order to the warrior leader, and the one-sided killing at the banquet finally stopped. The remaining aristocratic dignitaries hobbled feebly behind the queen, praying for Altiroya's mercy. Lestine looked at these useless things with a sneer. Holding the baby in his arms, he walked up to the emperor and his wife. "Your two noble majesties, you can't even stand up, can you?" Yes, sitting like this, sitting like this all the time, you sons of Delphi,Steel investment casting, who are proud of the name of the car of the gods, enjoy everything out of sight, but let me lose everything!
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