Vampire Lester Anne Rice, Illizi

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I took out the key and put it in the lock, and he was suddenly silent. His thoughts ceased for a moment after the surge, like the waves of the ocean, when they were all involved in a mysterious little shell. I tried to look at him in the shadows of the room; not the man I loved and thought about and had been thinking about for months; not the man I had an irresistible and intense need for in the heart of mankind; I tried to look at just an ordinary man, a man whose eyes stared at me and who was talking nonsense. You, you talk about goodness and beauty- "eyes shining, voice roaring:" you talk about good and evil, right and wrong; and death, yes, death,beam impact tubes, frightened, miserable.. " These words, full of rapidly expanding resentment and hatred, are like blooming flowers, whose petals, after blooming, peel off one by one and wither on the ground in riotous profusion. …… And you only share with her, your lordship's son and gifts only to his lordship and his lady,cold drawn tubes, including the gift of the nether world; only those who live in the castle. Can share the gift of the nether world with each other; in this way, they are exempt from being caught in the Witch's Square, tied to a burning stake, and burned. As for the old women, burn them!
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